Tuesday 6 December 2016

Codes and Convention of Thrillers - Joe Gore

    Tension    ↖          Excitement
Anxiety ←   Thriller Genre  →  Cliffhangers
              ↓             ➘
                           Anticipation         Uncertainty

The Thriller Genre normally may feature the following setting
  • Terrorism, Political Conspiracy
  • Crime and Murder
  • Supernatural Events.  
Thrillers normally have low lighting, the lighting adds effect and builds suspense. Many thrillers also feature some sort of chase scene, in those you will hear fast-paced music. This also builds effect and makes the audience genuinely worry for our hero.

The characters are in trouble most often, whether that be a criminal, anarchist etc.

Life is usually threatened, however the hero/main-character never normally dies or is critically injured, there are some exceptions however.

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