Thursday 8 December 2016

Research into amateur films

Research in to amateur thriller openings.

We researched another's students work of a thriller opening called" DrIvE". Not much was told by this video, but its a brief on what a thriller opening should look like. This opening shows us the use of props, which was stuff like the car, axe etc. The video also shows the type of environment for the theme. for example the boy was tortured in the cellar, this makes it realistic and shows the effect of a dark and cold environment.  

Shutter Island - Joel

Image result for shutter islandThe opening sequence of Shutter Island is watching a mystery thriller about US Marshal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio)  in the search for an escaped patient from remote Ashqelon mental institution, but mostly the story is about his search for the killer of his wife. The opening scene shows the date and then a close up shot of Leonardo Dicaprio being sea sick, the camera shots are rocky to make the audience feel like there on the boat and the colour of the film is dull to show that its a thriller film and the weather matches to the emotions of the film and atmosphere.   

Steven Spielberg - Joel

Steven Spielberg was born  in 1946 Ohio USA. Spielberg is the most known director and has the nominated movies such as Indiana jones, saving pvt Ryan and ET. Spielberg's has created famous films such as the ET, saving pvt Ryan and the Indiana jones series and has an internet worth of 3.9 billion. Filing techniques used by Spielberg is the track in shots where the camera physically moves on the subject going from the medium close up shot to close shot to a close up shot blurring the background to show a significant moment. 

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Francis Ford Coppola - Joe Gore

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Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola is an American film director and screenwriter. He is considered to have been a central figure of the  new generation of film-making. Two of his major films (The Godfather and The Godfather II) are considered to be the greatest movies ever produced. Francis Ford Coppola has received over one hundred awards for his part in The Godfather trilogy. 
Born in the late 1930s, Copolla's first film (Tonight For Sure) received average reviews from critics.The film that blew him into stardom however was obviously The Godfather. Produced in the 1970s, the classic is still considered to be one the greatest films of all time. The gangster-genre film inspired and attributes to new and improved techniques in the gangster genre.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Martin Scorsese - Joe Gore

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Martin Scorsese
Martin Charles Scorsese was born on November 17th, 1942 in Queens, New York City, New York, US. He has been active in the film industry since 1963. His first film "Who's That Knocking at My Door" debuted on November 15th, 1967. With a budget of seventy five thousand dollars got average reviews. The film that really blew him into stardom was 1973 classic, Mean Streets. The film featured up and coming actors like Robert DeNiro and Danny Provel.
The film received superb ratings and grossed over three million dollars. Which would equal over ten million dollars in the current year.
Scorsese went on to make legends like Joe Pesci, his most famous film debuted in the early 90s. "Goodfellas" was a huge success, this film contributed to Scorsese being one of the most critically acclaimed directors of the current generation.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Goodfellas - Joe Gore

Title Sequence - Joe Gore

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The opening of the Martin Scorsese 1990's hit, Goodfellas begins without any production companies. It cuts straight to a vehicle driving down the highway, the lighting is quite dark to add tenseness and tries to get the "what's going on?" point across to audience members.

After a few more seconds of the vehicle driving down the highway, it cuts to the date and whereabouts. This tells the audience when the film is going to be set.

The film then cuts to a trio, the actors from right to left are Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro.  After driving and the audio being in complete silence for a while. The trio pull over to the side of the highway after some loud banging noises.

The trio manage to pop open the trunk, revealing the dying body of Billy Batts. Joe Pesci then begins to violently and viciously slaughter Batt's in cold blood.

The iconic moment begins when Henry Hill approaches the trunk, closing it. The most iconic moment in film history is made when Henry Hill approaches the trunk, slamming it shut.

The words are uttered, "I've always wanted to be a gangster." Tony Bennet's Rag to Riches blasts, the title sequence begins.

This is a unique and one of a kind way to begin a film, without and production companies or credits for the first five minutes.

Codes and Convention of Thrillers - Joe Gore

    Tension    ↖          Excitement
Anxiety ←   Thriller Genre  →  Cliffhangers
              ↓             ➘
                           Anticipation         Uncertainty

The Thriller Genre normally may feature the following setting
  • Terrorism, Political Conspiracy
  • Crime and Murder
  • Supernatural Events.  
Thrillers normally have low lighting, the lighting adds effect and builds suspense. Many thrillers also feature some sort of chase scene, in those you will hear fast-paced music. This also builds effect and makes the audience genuinely worry for our hero.

The characters are in trouble most often, whether that be a criminal, anarchist etc.

Life is usually threatened, however the hero/main-character never normally dies or is critically injured, there are some exceptions however.

Preliminary Task - Joe Gore

Alfred Hitchcock - Joe Gore


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Alfred Hitchcock. Considered to be the almighty grand master of effect. One of the most famous directors of all time, a pioneer and the creator of classic films such as Psycho, Vertigo and more.

Born on August the 13th, 1899.  Alfred Hitchcock's directing skills were a one of the kind deal. The English-born director mastered effects like the "dolly zoom" and the whirling camera. His first film always tell your wife debuted in 1923 and was a short comedy film. Hitchcock was always famous for his use of humour in what could be seen as thriller or not meant to be funny productions. Hitchcock created the most successful sound movies of the generation and period he was in.

Hitchcock was famous for using music and sound for his advantage. He'd manipulate the audience of them days to actually make them believe that they are there and the black and white moving images were in fact a reality. That sounds pretty ridiculous now, but those were the nineteen thirties.

Sir Alfred Hitchcock, KBE left a legacy behind when he unfortunately died  on April 29th, 1980. His film techniques are still used for inspiration to this day.

Carlito's Way - Joe Gore

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The 1993 Brian De Palma classic mob film begins with a single frame of the barrel of a gun. The screen then proceeds to turn white, signifying the weapon of some sort being discharged.  Two seconds in and the audience gets a glimpse of what the film's genre is going to be like. The next frame is Carlito grunting as he backs into a wall with an unknown sort of gangster in front. This shot is in slow motion to add dramatic effect. Two more bullets are discharged then in the top left, the name "Al Pacino" fades in. The scene of Carlito being riddled with bullets continues as several actors and actresses names show. After a solid two minutes of Carlito being brought away on a stretcher, the title shows. "Carlito's Way". The Director has done this instead of using a basic and generic title to add effect and drama. It truly tells the audience what the film is going to be packed with.