Wednesday 11 January 2017

Props & Costumes - Joe Gore

Prop List

  • Briefcase

  • Fake money or something that could resemble money in some way.

  • A handgun.


General suits would work for every scene as mobsters are normally stereotypically dressed well, also as for the man that just won one million dollars, he'd also be dressed in a suit.

Script - Version 1 - Joe Gore


A table with two men that are dressed formally, they're clearly the leaders of some sort of organized crime group sitting at it. BOSS 1 nods, the camera pans to BOSS 2 who also nods back in agreement. It is unknown what they are saying exactly.


Our MAIN CHARACTER is seen walking down a path with a bag. Inside is a wad of money. He seems panicky, the audience however do not know that there's money inside until a later scene. A MOBSTER hastily walks over, he appears suspicious and approaches.

What's in the bag?!

MAIN CHARACTER shakes his head. The mobster proceeds to draw a handgun, he puts two bullets in our character's cranium.

Without any dialog the mobster drops the murder weapon and runs off with the bag.

Whilst running the bag unzips, it reveals a large sum of money.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Research "seven"- Joel Bromley

For this movie I looked at the scene called "wrath" where the serial killer proves his 7 sins by finishing the last sin with vengeance with the detective played by Brad Pitt shooting him. The build up of tension was set up by confusion with the story heading to the Desert waiting for a package by the serial killer for the detective. The music was slow to build up the Adrenalin for the film it gradually got louder and more faster to make the emotions of the audience feel a bit more jumpy. So the tension was built up by confusion and patience for the audience to feel something.
Image result for Se7en

Questionnaire - Joel

We handed this questionnaire out to everyone is our set and everybody answered it.
Everyone was between the age of 10-20, many stating they was 16/17. 70% found it appealing for the film to build up the tension whereas 30% didn't.
The majority stated music and sounds build the tension up whereas 2-3 said it was movement or camera work.
For the opening of the thriller film it was 50-50 between the two answers.
Everyone came to the agreement that flashbacks should be included in the opening scene as it gives people a incite into the past and builds the plot.


Initial ideas Joel Bromley

There is a detective who is solving a case about this serial killer and his daughter gets murdered by the killer and becomes personal and goes out if his way to make it look like he's going to arrest him, but he's gonna kill him instead.  during the clip, you see credits in buildings and cars as you go along. 

Cast list for Joel film.

My cast list is shown below, this is how I imagined each role and the person playing.

Business man - Joel
Mafia/police - Joe
Camera Man - Luke

Joes  film idea

Monday 2 January 2017

Costumes - Joel

The business man will have to wear a suit, can be one worn to school.
The police man is not real and is acting undercover therefore can wear normal clothes. (Jeans, shorts, t shirt, polo top.)
The person acting as the Mafia will also have to wear a suit, hat and have some sort of threatening object to use against the business man.

The only props that are going to be used are by the mafia/policeman against the business man.

San Andreas - Joel

This film is based on the San Andreas fault triggering a devastating  magnitude 9 earthquake. The opening of this film creates suspense as a women in a car falls off a cliff due to being unaware of the rocks falling above her. The women holds on for her life until Dwayne Johnson (Search and Rescue helicopter pilot) has to navigate his way down the cliff to save her. Many scenes include rocks falling, buildings collapsing and tsunamis. After the first 10 minutes the suspense is paused as it focuses on his life and what is close to Dwayne Johnson.
Image result for San Andreas film

Thriller film questionnaire - Joel

How old are you?

Do you find it appealing for a film to create tension and suspense?

What builds up the tension and suspense most?
Camera work

In the opening of a thriller film how much should be revealed?
As much as possible in a certain time limit
As little as possible

What should the opening scene include?
Future time
Chase scene

Who is your favourite thriller film director?
Alfred Hitchcock
Steven Spielberg
James Cameron
Quentin Tarantino

Film idea - Joe and Joel

A business man has severe gambling issues and wins a lot of money in a casino. (£1 Million) walks home after and suddenly gets stopped by the 'fake' police. They then repetitively ask for the money, the civilian many times refuse to hand it over. At this point the police pull a gun on him and shoots him in the skull and runs off with the bag of cash.

The 'fake' police works for the mafia in another country and are being told to get a certain amount of cash before time is up.

Business man - Joel
Mafia/police - Joe
Camera Man - tba